Tattoo Prep: What to Do Before Getting Inked?
Getting a tattoo is a long-term commitment for your skin, and proper preparation is essential to ensure the best possible experience. Here is a detailed guide to help you prepare before your tattoo appointment.
1. Stay well-hydrated.
Drinking enough water in the days leading up to your tattoo is essential. Well-hydrated skin is more supple, making the tattooing process easier and reducing the risk of excessive pain during the session. It is recommended to start drinking plenty of water at least a week before your appointment. (Byrdie)(Best Tattoo).
2. Get plenty of rest the night before.
A good night's sleep is crucial before a tattoo session, especially for larger pieces. Sleeping well helps your body manage the stress and pain associated with tattooing more effectively. Additionally, being well-rested boosts your immune system, which aids in the healing process. (Byrdie)(Ink & Dagger Tattoo).
3. Eat a balanced meal.
Never attend a tattoo appointment on an empty stomach. A good meal a few hours before the session stabilises your blood sugar levels and helps you stay alert throughout the process. Without it, you may feel weak or dizzy, which could lead to an interruption of the session. (Best Tattoo).
4. Avoid alcohol and caffeine.
Alcohol and caffeine should be avoided within 24 hours before your tattoo. These substances can thin your blood, leading to increased bleeding during the session, which can complicate the artist's work and affect the final result. Alcohol also impairs pain perception, potentially making the experience more uncomfortable. (Byrdie)(Ink & Dagger Tattoo).
5. Dress appropriately.
Choose comfortable, easy-to-remove clothing, especially if you’re getting tattooed on less accessible areas like your back or thigh. Avoid wearing clothes you care about, as they may get stained with ink or blood during the session. For example, if you’re getting a tattoo on your arm, a tank top or a shirt with rollable sleeves is ideal. (Best Tattoo).
6. Take care of your skin.
A few days before the session, make sure your skin is in its best condition. This means moisturizing the area to be tattooed regularly and avoiding any sunburn. If your skin is burned or irritated, it cannot be tattooed, which might result in your appointment being rescheduled. (Ink & Dagger Tattoo). It is also recommended to shave the area the day before, if necessary, although many tattoo artists take care of this themselves. (Byrdie).
7. Prepare snacks and water.
If your tattoo session is long, it’s a good idea to bring water and snacks. This will allow you to take breaks and recharge your energy. Some tattoo artists also schedule breaks, especially during sessions lasting several hours. (Best Tattoo).
8. Prepare yourself mentally.
Getting a tattoo can be a challenging experience, especially if it’s your first time or if you’ve chosen a complex design. It’s important to mentally prepare for the duration of the session and the potential pain. Take time to relax beforehand, and don’t hesitate to bring distractions like a book, music, or a tablet to make the experience more enjoyable. (Ink & Dagger Tattoo).
9. Follow your tattoo artist’s instructions.
Every tattoo artist has their own methods and preferences. Listen carefully to their advice before, during, and after the session. If you have any questions about the process or aftercare, don’t hesitate to ask. Good communication with your tattoo artist is key to ensuring you get results that meet your expectations. (Best Tattoo).
Preparing for a tattoo goes beyond simply choosing a design. It involves taking care of your body and skin, being well-rested and well-nourished, and following your tattoo artist’s recommendations. By following these tips, you ensure a more pleasant experience and optimal results.